Category Archives: Teachers

Get Enlightened About International Teaching Jobs

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International schools are increasingly becoming more popular as their students are continually getting admissions to the best universities around the globe. It is therefore evident that the quality of education that these schools provide deserves global respect. The schools have increased in number resulting to high demand for teaching staff and therefore international teaching jobs are readily available for experienced and passionate teachers.

International teaching jobs are sought after by many teachers who want to get experience or exposure associated with teaching in another country besides their own. The kind of experience acquired cannot be measured in terms of material or financial wealth but in terms of professional enhancement and new social interactions with staff and children from different countries.

Countries such as Thailand have many international teaching opportunities since the government is committed to hiring foreign teachers to teach at public schools for equally high salaries. This move is to try and improve the level of English language and the general education status. Other countries with many vacancies for international teachers include but not limited to: Central America, the Gulf, South America, Asia pacific and North Africa. Continue reading

Understanding Educational Technology

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One thing has become increasingly clear over the last couple of decades, which is that the role of technology in teaching and education at large is increasing in importance, and is likely to continue to do so. The new technology which is being used to enhance teaching has been shown to be quite effective, while, unfortunately, those teachers who aren’t particularly technically able are at risk of being left behind while these changes are occurring.

This can be shown quite well by looking at new teachers, who are both younger and therefore better able to use technology (although, admittedly, that is a bit of a stereotype) and can also benefit from it being included in their teacher training and qualification courses, and at older teachers, who are less able to benefit from it because they haven’t received this training and are generally less capable with technology.

Additional training for teachers who’ve missed out on previous training is therefore essential in this regard. Teacher training days are a great opportunity for teachers to have some basic training in some of the technology that is being used today, and most of this technology is designed to be used easily, so this should be sufficient for the most part. Getting started right now is also likely to improve the chances of teachers being able to keep up with continued developments.


Is Teacher Effectiveness the Only Important Metric for Education Policy?

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Teacher effectiveness is a judgement made on how effective teachers are at their job. Thanks to some complex statistical analysis, we have been able to find out exactly how much the results of students in education is influenced by the quality of their teachers, such as with examinations of standardised tests.

Teacher effectiveness is championed by a lot of education reformers as the area of education policy which should be targeted and focussed upon for improvement, but if you examine the totality of what statistics of education results show, then you can see how other areas hold as much or more influence. Take child poverty as an example; this brings with a whole host of problems which ultimately become a teachers responsibility, and while a good teacher can overcome some of these issues, it is well outside of anybody’s capabilities to do this reliably and on mass.

If you look at the examples set by some of the most widely acclaimed education departments, then you can see a trend beyond simply managing and improving upon teacher effectiveness. Finland for instance; uses a number of public policies to ensure that children aren’t too disadvantaged, and rather than placing the focus on teachers and their individual efforts (like in teacher reviews) they focus on reviewing the efforts of schools as a whole, viewing the efforts of individuals with the understanding that they are part of a team.

Cover Letter Tips – Earning your Next Teaching Job

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Teaching is a highly popular career and we’re confident we can help you get off to the best possible start with a selection of cover letter writing tips. Most new teachers know how important it is to perfect the CV but without putting the same amount of effort into the cover letter, you could run into a few problems when you begin a job hunt.

Here are a few tips to ensure your cover letter is as good as it can be:

  1. Think like the employer – If you were employing a teacher, what would you want to know about the individual? If you can put yourself in the shoes of the school, you may find that the letter is actually easy to write.
  2. Don’t Repeat your CV. When you’re writing your letter, make sure you provide more valuable information, rather than just simply repeating facts on your CV. The cover letter can tell them a little bit more about you, whereas the CV should just contain facts like qualifications, references, skills and experience.
  3. Never Use Templates. No two cover letters should be the same, and you should make sure they’re tailored for a specific school or institution. Every job role will have its own brief and you should touch on these points, proving you’re capable, not just submitting a template email to numerous schools.

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