Category Archives: Education

Is your child ready to start school?

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If your child is 4 then they may be starting school this September. All primary schools must offer places to pupils in the September following their forth birthday but children are not legally obliged to go until the term after  they are five.

You may worry about your four year old starting school but often they are more ready than you may think and they very quickly adapt to school life. All the children will be in the same position and reception teachers are very used to looking after young children. If your child has attended nursery then they will know w bit about how it will be at school. If your child has not attended nursery then school can be a great way for them to meet new people and begin making friends. It can help teach them how to share and play with others nicely. 

When children first start primary school, you are usually invited in for the first few days to help them settle in. Often, they will just do a morning to start with which you will stay with them and then as the week progresses you will leave them for longer until they complete a full day.

Beyond Teaching

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When most people think about jobs in education, they often think of teachers. However, there are many people who have dedicated their life and careers in helping kids learn. Some of these people include board members, school administrators, policy makers, vendors, educational, professional and education consultants. Let as look at some of the jobs in education


From early childhood all the way through high school to colleges and universities, teachers instruct students in everything from the simplest alphabet to the most complex numbers and analysis. It involves a one-to-many relationship where we have one teacher tending a couple of students unless the teacher becomes a personal tutor. They are in charge of creating lesson place, setting up classroom activities and managing classroom discipline and behaviours. Continue reading

Look Forward to the Benefits of Teaching Jobs Cambridge

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Teaching jobs in Cambridge will enumerate what you can get from them. Some would say that you will be able to work at a nice environment that would soothe your mood every time you go to work. Others will say you will work with a dedicated team of professionals who share the same passion for work. One good benefit would be to teach in front of children who are motivated and willing to learn. It wouldn’t be a good experience to teach in front of children who would do nothing but disrupt the class every time you come to the classroom. Each job enumerates the benefits of working in their company and this is something you should take a look at. These are the things you will experience when you decide to work in their company if ever they will hire you. Continue reading

What Schools Need to do for at-risk Students – The Consequences of Failure

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In order to ensure that children in these situations aren’t left behind by an education system which tends to cater to eh majority and ignore those with unusual circumstances, many schools and education systems adopt a system whereby one-on-one interaction with a teacher trained to deal with their circumstances takes place to make up for shortfalls in standard lessons.

In instances where these unusual cases are less unusual, such as dyslexia (which is actually quite common now), it can even instigate changes to the curriculum to cater to them more directly. In school districts where there are many students who don’t speak English there can also be efforts made more generally to engage all of the students in attendance.

The potential for damage to students whose needs aren’t addressed is significant. Ignoring their needs often causes them to become disenfranchised, which results in a feedback loop which only serves to limit their opportunities to reach their full potential even further. The importance of catering to more diverse requirements among students is growing all the time, and more and more schools will need to begin addressing them.

What School’s Need to do for at-risk Students

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Schools have increasing pressures and responsibilities to ensure that no child is left behind in their education, which in many cases require schools to go to special efforts to meet this goal.

Students are defined as at-risk for a number of reasons, all of which are thought to be a disadvantage in regards to achieving higher levels of education standards. Some of the things which are often included are:

  • This could include a learning difficulty such as ADD/ADHD, Dyslexia, or Autism spectrum disorder.
  • Troubled home lives are often a cause for concern, such as in cases where children live in foster care and those who’ve suffered from abuse. There is a massive amount of information which shows how this can be tremendously damaging to their academic results.
  • Poor understanding of the spoken language in schools is also a significant impediment to schools achieving success with a students education.

To address these issues will require more training and more diversity in skills and knowledge among teachers than is currently needed, but it is clear this is more necessary now than ever before.

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