Daily Archives: February 17, 2015

What Teachers Should Focus on in Their Application to a New Job Pt 1

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The aspects of a job application remain mostly the same no matter what role/job you’re applying to, in the education sector or out. They need to include a summary statement, which should describe who you are as a person and what motivates you inside of the workplace. After this, you need to include your work history, and finally any special skills which you have, especially those which might be of value to your potential employer.

When you write out your summary statement, being professional is a must. This doesn’t mean that you can’t indicate that you’re a fun person to work with, but it does mean that the focus needs to be on your “modus operandi”, your work ethic, and potentially things like what you’d like to accomplish in the role your applying to, and your profession in general. For teachers this means expressing an enthusiasm for educating and in improving your skills to better teach your students.